About TheTopTen

A list of everything bad, good, best and worst according to me! Any suggestions of what you want me to rate on a scale of 1 to 10? Let me know!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


So many things, habits and events drive me nuts!! Maybe it's a little harsh but sometimes people in general just make me wanna pull my hair out. Here's my list of my top ten biggest peeves, and things that just make me hair stand on end.

1) Wearing the same sweatshirt or pullover everyday.
So this one's a little superficial but hey, it's just bad hygiene. In high school I sat behind a boy who wore the same basketball hoodie everyday, EVERYDAY! That's honestly disgusting. I mean maybe her wore a different t-shirt underneath the hoodie but still, it's an article of clothing. NOT a jacket.

2) No blinker.
It's really just a flick of the wrist to turn your blinker on, not a huge deal. By just turning your blinker on, your saving the person behind you a whole lot of stress. Otherwise, you just look like an old grandma attempting to turn, and not to mention lazy!
Apparently I'm not the only one who hates the non-blinkers.

3) Popsicle biters.
I mean really, what's the point. The noise itself goes directly through me and gives me the chills. Ughh can't you just lick the popsicle instead of putting us all through pain?!
Okay, she's cute but ew.
4) Non-pimple poppers.
Also another issue of hygiene. Ew, if you see the white head, POP IT! Yes, everyone gets pimples but the majority of the world doesn't want to see your nasty white heads.
I was gonna add a picture of a white head but I couldn't even stomach looking at it! This is the grossest, most dramatic blackhead ever, though, if your interested.

5) Chewing with mouth open.
Ughhh, ugh this one is really so gross, especially when the food being chewed is a creamy substance. Don't you feel that your mouth is open when you chew? Or worse yet, talking while your chewing?

6) Movie Ending Tellers.
Rude, rude, rude. Come on, when someone says they haven't seen a movie, what would possess you to tell the ending!? Doesn't even make sense to me. Aside from movies, the same goes for books. That's just down right mean. Someone told me the ending of the 7th Harry Potter book and i almost cried, such a funsucker.
They're so cute and little!

7) Tacky tattoos.
Again, a little superficial but hey, I'm honest. This needs to be said and I'm apologizing in advance for hurting anyone's feelings but, it's my opinion! Okay, so for females: stars, hearts, moons and cartoon characters cannot be done. Sorry, but no. Be more creative! And for males: tribal tattoos and Japanese writing just goes right through me. It's almost as if these people googled overdone and unoriginal tattoos and decided to get them just for fun.

Yea, definitely a don't.

8) The non-recyclers.
Okay so even if you're not the Go Green type, it's not difficult to throw your plastic or paper, or other recyclable product, in the recycling bin. Come on, your easily saving the earth.
9) Nose-pickers with a tissue.
This is mostly for old men, but come on. If your gonna pick your nose, just go in bare handed. And please, please do it in private. People just have no mercy. Just because there's a tissue between your lodged-in-your-nose-finger and your nose does not mean your merely blowing your nose.
10) Toe touchers.
Yeah not sanitary at all. and just so sick. Playing with feet, toes and toenails in general just is not okay to do in public, at all.
So there's my top ten pet peeves! What are your pet peeves and your bad habits?

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